Treasure hunt

I0.0 Treasure on red bar
I0.1 Treasure on blue bar
I0.2 Treasure on both bars (crossing)
I0.3 Start position for blue bar
I0.4 Start position for red bar
I0.5 End position for blue bar
I0.6 End position for red bar
O0.0 Move red
O0.1 Move blue
O0.2 Switch reverse direction (red)
O0.3 Switch reverse direction (blue)
O0.4 Mark the treasure

The task is to find and mark the concealed treasure troves using two moveable search beams (horizontal and vertical). When the search beam strikes an item of treasure, this is indicated by means of a signalling sensor. If both search beams strike the same item of treasure, you can then mark the treasure trove. When all treasure troves have been found and marked, this completes your task.

The position of the treasure troves can be varied with the mouse. You can start a new game by clicking on the arrow ( <- ).

  • 2 sensors for detecting whether there is a treasure trove on the red or blue line.
  • 2 sensors for detecting whether the red or blue line is in start position.
  • 2 sensors for detecting whether the red or blue line is in end position.
  • 1 sensor for detecting whether there is a treasure trove at the point of intersection of the lines.
  • 2 actuators for moving the red line vertically and moving the blue line horizontally.
  • 2 actuators for changing the direction of the two lines (horizontal or vertical).
  • 1 actuator for marking the treasure trove.